The dazzling female electric string quartet, "SPINPHONY" is breaking down barriers between classical, rock, and pop music, mixing and mashing catchy melodies into their own unique arrangements. Whether you're a fan of Bach, ACDC, Journey, or Mozart, these virtuosic ladies will have you rocking out to the greatest melodies of all time. The crossover string group also writes their own originals in a style they call "Pop Baroque". They perform more in the style of a rock band than a traditional string quartet with choreographed dance moves and interaction with the audience. "SPINPHONY'S" unique style and high energy performances have taken them across the United States and Mexico performing for both public and private events.
The group performs classical/pop mash up which will appeal to a wide range of ages. While sticking to their classical roots by performing virtuosic classics like Vivaldi's Summer and Beethoven string quartets, "SPINPHONY" creates a fresh new take on the classical by mashing them up with rich favorites such as "Bach in Black" and "Don't Stop Beethoven".
Program Highlights
Carmina Uprising
Back in Black
Country Birds
Seven Nation Dance
Sweet Toreador
Callk Me Brandenburg
Sweet Clavier O'Mine
Livin of a Pirate Ship
Sound of Silence
Beat It Jupiter
Bsbas Spring
-Sweet Rodeo
Don't Stop Beethoven
Information provided by SPINPHONY |